Examine the principal events of Jesus’ life

Study Notes for Studies of Religion Stage 6 Syllabus:

There are many important events in the life of Jesus, but some of the most significant ones include:

  1. His birth, which is celebrated at Christmas. According to the Christian Bible, Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem and was visited by shepherds and wise men.
  2. His ministry, which began when he was in his 30s and lasted for about three years. During this time, Jesus traveled throughout Palestine, teaching about the kingdom of God and performing miracles such as healing the sick and casting out demons.
  3. The Last Supper, which was a meal that Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before he was crucified. During this meal, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, which is a Christian rite that involves the consecration and consumption of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus' death and resurrection.
  4. The Crucifixion, which took place on the day that is now known as Good Friday. According to the Bible, Jesus was arrested, tried, and sentenced to be crucified by the Roman authorities. He was then crucified on a cross, and died a few hours later.
  5. The Resurrection, which is celebrated on Easter. According to the Christian belief, Jesus was resurrected from the dead three days after his death and appeared to his disciples.

Image: The Healing of the Blind Man and the Raising of Lazarus

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